Bloodborne was the reason I wanted to get myself a playstation. The sad thing is, I suck at it. Like […]
Alexandra | April 7, 2018
Alexandra | February 13, 2018
Alexandra | December 26, 2017
Alexandra | December 25, 2017
Alexandra | February 13, 2018
Alexandra | December 26, 2017
Alexandra | April 7, 2018
Alexandra | December 25, 2017
Chelsey | February 15, 2018
Chelsey really loves Mass Effect. So much she decided to play all of it. Again.
When Alexandra got a PS4 all she wanted to do was play Bloodbourne. She knew it would be creepy. She knew it would be difficult. What she didn’t realize was that she’d never make it to the first save point. Watch her try and play the same 5 minutes over and over again. Comedy!
Friend of the site Matt replays his way through Dragon Age Origins.